32 Posts

Creative Writing

Original, creative writing from TheNeverPress. This is where you will find poetry, short stories, epiphanies, musings and all sorts of strange and beguiling work. This will be a mix of old work and also new writing - and, some of it will be given away to all, and others will be for subscribers only. To get access to this lost-and-found treasure trove of thoughts and ideas, simply subscribe with your email and then dive in like Scrooge McDuck.

Poetry Rosie Cook

to not need

It’s nice to not need anything To sit softly in the hangover haze  slow and fuzzy     happenings around me
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Poetry Rosie Cook


Hat floating  in the air  cradling a body not there  Especially yours  Majestic mystery of mastery nestled in finely kept roses  That (probably) smell the same as when you were here.   Is it wrong?  A museum made of house A patchwork of was and is and may still be  Are
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Short Stories Graham Thomas

A Mundane Funeral

Nobody seemed truly sorry for his loss. The words drifted into the lad’s ears and they held neither weight or resonance. The funeral, his first, had rolled along with a strange, dream-like autonomy. People came, readings were read and then a coffin went behind a curtain.
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Creative Writing Graham Thomas

Maria & The Devil

An extract of 'Maria & the Devil', a magical-realist Western thriller from Graham Thomas. This novel is available worldwide in print, ebook and also as audiobook.
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Poetry Luke Searle

The Son

They carved a cross into the cheek of the heathen child. As he grew it formed a jagged X, a focal point for the sadist’s treasure map that was his face.
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Short Stories Graham Thomas

Gabriella At Noon

The dreamless man awoke as the aeroplane banked into its descent, the aching groan of the engines a caressing alarm. Sharp, foreign light cut through the cabin in parallax to the roll of the plane. It was severe and unexpected.
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Poetry Graham Thomas


My sadness is a whale, A beautiful old tyrant, She’s a mass in the void, A shimmering giant...
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TheNeverPages Graham Thomas

Chapter One

‘TheNeverPages’ is the journal of a Dream Investigator, a serialised magical-realist science fantasy that takes place during the exact moment of death, when we step from this world into the next and when our memories, past hopes and sins coalesce and are presented back to us.
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