“But I have not belonged to any setting sun."
I sniped a re-sale ticket 3 days prior to this gig. The cheer I let out was felt by my dad sat beside me in the car. Years and years of following Fontaines and I had finally got myself to one of their shows. There is a multitude of praise that can be heaped on their newest album Romance (2024) and their musical growth has been nothing short of mesmerising. Saturday at Ally Pally was a truly unforgettable night.
I had heard good reviews from friends who had made it to the Friday night gig, with the sound being a highlight. From past experiences Ally Pally has suffered from a slightly tinny, echoey effect. I’m far from a sounds/acoustics expert but seeing they had decked out the ceiling with some soundproofing settled my concerns. The moment the lights went down and Romance’s intro filled the space, everyone was captivated. The wait for the famous curtain drop was an ultimate tension builder. Seeing it drop in real-time with the boys stood there in all their glory, it was something truly special.
To then kick into gear with Jackie Down The Line and Televised Mind… I lost my friends in the crowd soon after. The bass of Televised Mind; when playing it in my ear buds, always felt like the sensation of static when touching an old TV. This time it was ripping through our eardrums; an extremely visceral sound. Grian Chatten’s lyricism has always drawn a lot of attention, from poetic prowess to songs featuring extremely repetitive yet catchy and meaningful choruses and hook lines. The simplicity is what ingrains these songs into the minds of their dedicated fanbase. Skinty Fía, their third studio album, made up a good chunk of the opening half hour, with the grinding bass and guitar of Big Shot following fan favourite Roman Holiday. I still never get tired of the line, “I don’t wanna see the queen, I already sing her song”, a big middle finger to the monarchy, I’m sure plenty in the room were of the same opinion. A real treat was seeing guitarist Conor Curley lead the charge on Sundowner, their only track to not feature Grian as lead vocalist. As a big fan of shoegaze bands like Slowdive, I imagine they could have provided some inspiration for this track. There was something so ethereal about the way “In my dreams” rang out inside Ally Pally with the distorted bass and guitar taking us on a journey.

The beauty of seeing your favourite artists live is that they can change your mind quickly on certain songs. Here’s The Thing was one I was unsure of as a single, as I felt there were better options on the album… I have very much eaten my tongue after Saturday night. Just the intro sent us all into pandemonium with the jagged, 90s style riff and Grian’s uncharacteristic high vocals, demonstrating a true vulnerability in their composition. They are laying a legacy with this new album and have unapologetically evolved in every way.

Image copyright: Pooneh Ghana
A man of few words on stage, Grian was uncharacteristically emotional during Starburster, so much so there was a little mix-up of lyrics. A rewind and a caring arm around his shoulder by a couple of the others was the recharge he needed. A gentle “Free Palestine” and a mic drop concluded a show for the ages.
There ended some weekend at Ally Pally. A spectacular presentation of artistry and post-punk virtuosity from Chatten, Deegan, Curley, Coll and O’Connell.
I’ll just leave this here:
“I see them driving into nothing where the nothing is sure,They drown their wishes in the fountains like their fathers before.”
There has been talk of Grian writing a poetry book… get it done lad!
Further Reading!